Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Orientation-day one

My name is Sean Symons and this is a personal blog about my experience being hired on and working at bass pro shops. Even though my blog will be professional and positive in nature, The following does not represent an official bass pro shops blog.

September 30, 2013

We receives are welcome packet and name badges today.  The general manager Will Anderson and his managers introduce themselves to the group. The way they presented themselves was extremely professional yet they all seem to absolutely love their job.

I feel extremely blessed to be able to be working for such an amazing company starting out on the ground level in Arkansas.

The highlights from orientation day one, 
Out of 5000 applicants through the job fair, we are considered the best of the best.
Bass pro shops have extremely high standards for customer service. 

So what are my expectations of bass pro shops? I expect that all the managers and associates will have a very strong work ethic as I do, enjoy their job as if it is a hobby they get paid for, and take care of the customer as if it was their own family member.

The amazing thing is, it sounds like this is the company's philosophy anyway :-)

So what's to come…?

Three days of classroom training followed by actual store training and set up before grand opening in the middle of November 2013.

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